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As I write this, it is April of 2016. I am just starting this website. In fact, this is week one! Hooray!

If you’re reading this page then I hope you’re considering starting your own website or blog. If not, I’ll tell you why you should. You might have some doubts, such as:

“I have a great idea for a website, but I’m not sure how to get started.”

“I don’t know if I time to start a blog, I’m so busy already.”

“There are so many blogs out there already, I doubt anyone will read mine.”

If any of those statements sound like you, then let me tell you that you are not alone! I have had those exact same thoughts and I know many others have as well. Now let me ask you a few questions.

  • Does it sound like fun to start a website? Do you get all excited when you think about it?
  • Do you want the ability to work from home?
  • Do you enjoy learning new things?
  • Do you think you’ll be successful?

I hope your answers are “yes, yes, yes, and hopefully maybe yes”.  Let’s consider these questions…

Does starting a website sound like fun?

If you dread the thought of buying a domain name, researching how to get your site up and running, and figuring out what to put on your site, then you should stop now. I have lots of work from home ideas and you have to find something that gets you excited. You should be kept awake thinking of ideas and antsy to wake up and get going. Starting a business is not easy and blogging is the same. You should only do it if you’re going to love it!

Do you want to work from home?

This is the main reason I started There are so many awesome ways to earn extra income from home and blogging is one of them. You can set your own hours, be there when your kids come home from school, put as much or as little time into it as you can, and find success along the way.

Do you want to learn new things?

I started a business back in 2008. I paid a friend a little money to get the framework for the site started and then I was left alone to do the html coding by myself. I had no coding experience, but I was able to take that basic framework and manipulate it well enough to make changes to my site. 2016 is a completely different time than 2008. It’s crazy how fast technology changes, but this site is nothing like my last site. It’s so much easier, much easier to add features and make it my own, but there’s so much to learn. Figuring out hosting, templates, widgets, social media, plugins, etc., can be overwhelming. So before you start your new site, make sure you’re up for making your brain hurt a little. It’s a good pain, go ahead and stretch yourself. I’ll be here all along the way, showing you step by step how to get your site going.

Will you be successful?

The answer to this really depends on your definition of success? Don’t measure your success in terms of money or page views or posts. Yes, we’ll work on these things, but that can’t be your goal right now. If you’re just getting started or considering getting started then your measurements of success should be things like: finding the perfect domain name, getting the framework all set, creating your first post, etc. The monetary and statistical measurements of success will come, but be proud of yourself every step along the way and you’ll be successful!

What to do next

If you answered YES to the previous questions, then let’s get started! I’ll be posting tips and tutorials every step of the way to help you get started. This is going to be an exciting journey and I’m happy you’ll be joining me.

Comment or share below if you have your own website or if you’re thinking of getting one started!

This Post Has 9 Comments
  1. I found you through Twitter and I love your site. I still have a lot to learn but reading this inspired me! So thank and great information. I would like to get my framework up and goinh and You have a lot of success with other things besides this, maybe you can post about how to start an Etsy shop. As a stay at home mom of six, I really would like to find ways to earn for my family.

  2. Hi Lourdes, thanks for your comment! I am definitely going to be doing a post about starting an Etsy shop soon. I’ll keep you updated through my newsletter and I hope I can help you find some ways to earn money from home. I’ve really enjoyed Etsy as well as a lot of other venues that I’m looking forward to sharing with everyone.

  3. Thank you so much for all the great information! This has helped me a lot! But I’m not sure if starting your own business website means you also have to start a blog. Can you please help me understand this thank you!

    1. Hi Stephanie,
      No, starting your own business website doesn’t have to be a blog. The process of creating it is the same so I sometimes interchange the two and will say “start your own blog” or “start your own website”. You don’t need to have a “blog” portion on the site or something that gets updated regularly. Your site can be a static landing page or a place to sell things or whatever you want. That’s why I recommend using BlueHost and a professional theme because you can design the website however you want. If you’re looking to create a page for a business or a blog where you want followers and leaders, the initial setup is the same but the way you design the site will be different. Hope this explanation helps. Feel free to email me if you want specific help!

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